Don’t Re-Tile, Regrout!
Tile Regrouting is a process that will dramatically improve the appearance of a tiled area at a fraction of the cost of replacing the tiles. After all, it is not always the tile that makes an area look ugly but often the unsightly, discoloured grout.
Look at it this way, the grout is the frame around the picture. If the frame is ugly it makes the picture look ugly too!
Before Tile Regrouting (Shower over Bath)
After Tile Regrouting (Shower over Bath)
What is Tile Regrouting?
Using a specially designed mechanical tool, the technician removes the grout from around the tiles to a depth of approximately 3 to 4 mm. Like any task, the preparation is the most important part of the final outcome. Once this has been completed, the area is then vacuumed and cleaned and a new grout with an anti-mould additive is applied.
Total TileCare uses grout with the anti-mould additive Microban. Microban is an additive that aids in the control of bacterial activity, mould and fungi . Its protective qualities are ideal for high humidity areas such as bathrooms and shower stalls. And as the Microban is built into the molecular structure of the grout it won’t wash off or wear away and will continue giving protection throughout the lifetime of the grout.
The Tile Regrouting Process
Sealing after Tile Regrouting
Once an area has been grouted or regrouted, it is strongly recommended that the new grout be stainguarded (sealed) to prolong the life of the new grout. Stainguarding is a process whereby our technicians apply a penetrating sealer to the new grout. This sealer will help to protect the new grout, making it easier to clean and preventing staining and premature decay.
Areas suitable for Tile Regrouting
Regrouting is suitable for a variety of tiled areas, including but not limited to the following:
Kitchen splash-backs
Balconies / patios
Hearths / fireplace
Kitchen Splashback Tile Regrouting and Resealing
Why Regrout – The Benefits of Tile Regrouting
Price – Your tiled areas can look “as new” for a fraction of the cost of retiling or a full renovation. Retiling / full renovation usually including the following costs:-
- The new tiles themselves
- Removal & disposal of the old tiles
- Charge for laying and grouting the new tiles
- And in the bathroom, possibly also plumbing, waterproofing and replacement fixtures and fitting (taps, toilet, bath, vanity, shower screen, towel rails)
Time – In, out and done in a day or two rather than co-ordinating plumbers and tilers and other tradesmen over multiple visits.
Convenience – regrouting can usually be carried out with much less down time than retiling or a full renovation.
Environment– in today’s disposable society, why strip and replace a structurally sound tiled area to end up in land fill? A simple make-over will bring it up looking as new! Would you throw out a picture just because the frame is ugly???Regrouting is a ‘green’ solution, saving on carbon emissions compared with tile replacement. Replacing / retiling is a poor option in an age where conservation is of concern. Do your bit to help save the environment.
Presentation – Pre Sale – A well presented property can add thousands $$ to the selling price, sell quicker and appeal to a broader range of buyers. Aside from the kitchen, which most home buyers consider to be the most important room in the house, the bathrooms are considered a key selling point. It makes sense to spend a fraction of the selling price on ensuring your home is presented and shown to it’s maximum potential.
Presentation – Pre Lease – A well presented property will attract tennants, may justify a higher rent and will generally lease quicker. An investment property is usually one of your most important assets. It makes sense to spend a fraction of its value in keeping the property well maintained and preventing problems from developing in the long-run.
General Tile Regrouting – FAQs
Can you regrout wall AND floor tiles?
Yes, but not all tiles are suitable for regrouting. As a guide, the tiles must be at least 10cm or 4 inches square in size. We cannot regrout mozaic tiles or unusually shaped tiles (ie round, hexagonal, octagonal etc).
Before Floor Tile Regrouting
After Floor Tile Regrouting
Do you regrout using grout colours other than white?
Yes, there are a range of grout colours to choose from.
Should I regrout or retile?
Regrout when:
- your grout is mouldy / discoloured / cracked decayed.
- the tiles are at least 10cm or 4 inches square.
- the tiles themselves are in good condition.
- you are happy with colour of tiles.
- budget / time dictates.
Retile when:
- budget is not an issue.
- time / inconvenience is not an issue.
- the tiles are too small or otherwise not suited to regrouting.
- you are not happy with the colour of the tiles.
- the tiles have been resurfaced previously.
What type of tiles can you regrout?
Ceramic, vitrified, porcelain, marble, limestone, granite to name a few.
Would there be any reason that my tiles could not be regrouted?
- If there are too many loose / cracked or broken tiles.
- If the tiles are less than 10cm or 4 inches square.
- If epoxy grouting or concrete has been used previously.
- If the tiles have been resurfaced previously.
Shower / Bathroom Tile Regrouting – FAQs
Can’t you just clean my shower to get rid of the mould?
No, once the mould has penetrated the grout the only way to get rid of it is to remove the existing grout, then replace it. All the cleaning in the world will only remove the mould from the surface of the grout and the mould will simply redevelop from the inside out. Further, cleaning the grout with harsh chemicals and cleaners such as bleach actually decay the grout over time, making the grout more porous and encouraging further mould development.
Before Tile Regrouting
After Tile Regrouting
Will sealing the grout in my shower stop mould developing?
The short answer is No. Sealing your grout will help to protect the grout and also make it easier to clean but it does not change the environment. A shower / bathroom is obviously a wet area, with high levels of humidity – the perfect environment for mould to flourish. The best steps you can take to prolong the life of your grout and prevent mould build up are to use a quality grout with an anti-mould additive, seal the new grout, keep the area as well ventilated as possible and avoid the use of harsh chemicals and cleaners.
I am planning to have my shower screen replaced, what is the best order?
The old shower screen needs to be removed first, the regrouting takes place second and the new shower screen goes in third. Total TileCare are now offering NEW Shower Screens to regrouting customers. Click here to find out more – Total TileCare – Shower Screens.
Why do I have to leave my shower dry prior to regrouting and how long for?
On average, you will be asked to leave your shower dry for 24 hours before and after regrouting. It is important the shower is left dry in order to ensure you achieve the best possible results. Excess moisture in the shower can lead to a condition know as bleed back which can lead to discoloration of your new grout.
What is bleedback?
Bleedback is an occasional occurrence (about 1 in 20), which can take place when moisture has accumulated behind the tiles, usually as a result of porous / missing grout. Bleedback results in discoloration of the newly replaced grout, commonly evidenced as a “rusty” colour or even just a dark / wet appearance. It is not possible to detect bleedback prior to the commencement of the work.
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Total TileCare
Experts in tile regrouting, tile cleaning, tile sealing, grout recolouring and repairing leaking showers.
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